Communication skills development

Project name: Development of Peipsi Center for Transboundary Cooperation communication skills 

Duration: april 2013 - march 2014

Financial support: Minister for Regional Affairs governing area  and National Foundation of Civil Society

: 6246 €

Project manager: Margit Säre, Margit @ 

Aim: project aims to enhance the PR and communication sills of our NGO, in order to secure positive image in media and through the stakeholder groups in Lake Peipsi region. 

Project activities include:

 1) Peipsi CTC roundtables to agree on internal and external communication rules and channels; 

2) training on creativity, the use of animations and other tools in Peipsi CTC publications, presentations, web site;

3)Elaboration of Peipsi CTC 20 years activity report/impact – using innovative IT, creativity tools; 

4) Elaboration of Communication Plan.

Have a look to Summary on  Peipsi CTC activities during last 20 years