Premier of documentary film "On the Eastern Border" in Estonian national TV

10. апреля 2014

Estonian national TV shows today, on the 10th of April documentary film "On the Eastern Border", which was prepared within EU FP7 project EUBORDERREGIONS.
The film shows everyday life in the Estonian-Russian borderland while interviews are made with tourism developers in Narva/Ivangorod castle complex, café owner in Setoland and the local inhabitant whose parents house and graves remained on the other side of the border. Also traditional activities such as onion-growing on the shores of the lake and fishing on transboundary Lake Peipsi are introduced. Authors of the film are Ene-Maris Tali and Maarika Lauri.

The film with English subtitles is also available in Youtube:

EUBORDERRREGIONS is a research project, with objective to identify challenges to economic, social and territorial cohesion as well as regional development potentials in different borderlands at the EU’s external frontiers. The project will contextualize development issues in selected EU “borderlands” with regard to interaction between the EU and countries of the immediate “neighbourhood”.
EUBORDERREGIONS final conference takes place in Estonia, in Tartu, November 27-28, 2014.

Read more on EUBORDERREGIONS project: