Biodiversity promotion in Moldova

Project name: Promotion of environmental education by Youth participation in monitoring forest biodiversity of the reserve Plaiul Fagului

Project is supported by: 


Project duration: August 2013 –  July 2014

Project coordinator: Eleri Seer,

Project partner:

Women's Association for Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development 

Project objectives:

Our goals are oriented towards a better understanding of the nature and promoting best techniques for conserving biodiversity. Intention is to transform nature reserves in workshops conducting ecological classes. Project initiates a program of environmental education in the training of over 240 students, aged between 13-16 years, from educational institutions in these localities, in various techniques for inventory and monitoring forest biodiversity.

Project activities

1) Study visit to Estonia - October 2013, 4 participants from non-formal environmental education.

2) Seminar to train teachers and volunteers - September 2013, 30 volunteers and teachers participated in seminar

3) Development and implementation of an environmental education programm - there was developed a lesson plan with 18 topics.

4) Theoretical and practical classes about natural environment and biodiversity - in 2013 there was 130 lessons held.

5) Creating communication network of school around Reserve Plaiul Fagului, creating environmental clubs to schools, 3 environmental clubs are created, there is planned 5 more.

6) Campaigne to promote biodiversity - Project activities have been published through press-releases, TV and radio. Three articles about Project have been bublished in journal "Natura".

7) Best practice guide for biodiversity inventoring and infobulletin of animal and plant species in the reserve of Plaiul Fagului printed.

8) Photo competition and exhibition - winner of photo contest will be announced during biodiversity day selebration on 24 May 2014.

9) Ecological camp for 30 children will take place in July 2014