Inequalities matter

Title: Inequalities matter

Project duration: March 2023- December 2024

Funding: EU Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV)

ALDA (Lead partner)
Adelante; Italy
Hub Nicosia Ltd (Cyprus)
Association Euni Partners (Bulgaria)
Municipality of Lousada (Portugal)
Municipality of Oberhausen (Germany)

Summary of the project
The knowledge on environment/climate change have incredibly increased in the last decade, becoming one of the most discussed issues. At the same time the environmental challenges such as combating climate change, pollution, loss of biodiversity are  complex, and active participation requires high complex competencies.
The project INEQUALITIES MATTER aims at making Environmental citizenship more inclusive by giving voice to those citizens (migrants, ethnic minorities, vulnerable youth, and elderly people) that are often excluded from the public debate.

The project’s  objectives are to:
-include vulnerable and fragile categories in the discussion on environment and climate,
-Clarify the environmental challenges and empower citizens on climate topics in becoming environmental citizens,
-Increase awareness of citizens and theri  decision-making capabilities  when tackling environmental topics
-Strengthen the inclusion and collaboration of all citizens.

The project is expecting to achieve these goals by:
- stimulating peer learning and exchange of good practices among partners to strengthen their environmental competencies and their knowledge on participatory tools, with a focus on the techniques to foster the participation of marginalised group
- acting as multipliers and transfer knowledge and competencies to targeted groups with the purpose of create a working group to co-design participatory tools/pilot actions
- develop and test pilot actions aiming at introducing new more inclusive mechanisms where marginalized categories can find their room to be pro-active and protagonists of decisions and actions.