A new project GreenEduLARP has lauched

28. February 2022

Project GreenEduLARP aims at using the tool of EduLARP (Educational Live Action Role Playing) for Climate Change Education (CCE).

This way students but also teachers – as involved participants- will be connecting the topics related to Climate Change learned in classroom with real-life situations, therefore more easily relating them to their own life, making connections also on how green their life and attitude is.


The aims of the project are:

1)   to empower teachers with new competences in environmental education using LARP.
2)  to enhance students with confidence and agency skills through the LARPing methodology and teamwork while also learning about climate change and building concepts around it,
3) to create accessible online material for further use and capitalization,
4) to build a transnational strategy on how to adapt EduLARP methodology in school curricula.


 Why we do it?

 Climate change is the greatest challenge of our times. Humans are recognized as a major cause of Climate Change and hence their active involvement in mitigation and adaptation actions is crucial. The EU has launched the Green Deal initiative to raise awareness on climate change, industry innovation and more, while the European Education Area initiated a special Education for Climate Change Coalition, pledging for concrete actions made by individuals and collective actors at the local, regional and national levels.

In this respect, the role of education in addressing climate change is increasingly recognized. Τhe educational sector input to make changes is needed. Small steps toward that are also adding environmental topics to the existing curriculum. In addition to subject knowledge and skills, there is a need to develop general competencies (critical thinking and problem-solving skills, creativity, communication and collaboration skills, empathy) which enable learners to solve the complex issues they will face.

Given the increasingly active role of the learner in the learning process and the use of inclusive learning methods in schools, learning through play is also gaining popularity. The use of the games in education has become the interest of many practitioners and researchers. One of the most impactful ways to learn in an experiential way and memorize content better triggering also intrinsic motivation is Live-Action Role Playing (LARP). It has been confirmed by research, that learners memorize content better when they are actively involved in the learning process, as in the case of dramatizations, simulations and role play. This has lead us to explore within this GreenEduLARP project the potential of EduLARP for Cimate Change Education (CCE).

More information: https://ctc.ee/activities-and-projects/running/greenedularp