Peipsi Ring - a new cooperation project developing the network of museums in the Lake Peipsi-Pskov region

05. February 2022

New Estonian-Russian international cultural heritage cooperation project in the Lake Peipsi-Pskov region contributes to the development of a network of museums in the region.

The activities of the ER164 Chudskoye / Peipsi Museums Ring have been implemented for some months already. In order to develop the co-operation network of museums in Lake Peipsi, a study trip to Setomaa museums took place in January. The aim was to get acquainted with the expositions, programs, cooperation and marketing issues of Setomaa museums. Also, to increase contact between the staff of Peipsi museums and develop ideas for creating a common tourist route.

Chudskoye/Peipsi lake is a unique cultural, historical, and social phenomenon naturally connecting Estonia and Russia. Meanwhile, there is still lack of cooperating institutions that would purposefully deliver the information about the lake, depicting a holistic picture of cultural traditions of peoples inhabiting the lake shores, jointly promoting indigenous crafts, languages, cuisines, and tourist destinations, and serving as hubs for the involvement of local communities.

In the Peipsi Ring project, we focus on the creation of a cooperation network of museums and cultural heritage organisations around lake Peipsi. Also training and information activities will be organised. The activities of the project increase the capability of the Estonian-Russian border communities for active cooperation in the preservation and promotion of the cultural and historical heritage of the region.

Eestipoolse projektijuhi Margit Säre sõnul on muuseumite omavahelise koostöö arendamine väga vajalik. Õppereis Setomaale oli hea võimalus muuseumitöötajatel omavahel silmast silma kokku saada ja oma mõtteid vahetada muuseumitöö igapäevastest rõõmudest ja kitsaskohtadest.

Estonian project manager Margit Säre has said that the development of co-operation between museums in Peipsimaa, is very necessary. The study trip to Setomaa was a good opportunity for the museum staff to meet each other face to face and exchange their thoughts about the of museum work.

More information:

Project is co-funded by Estonia-Russia Cross Border Cooperation Programme
Total amount of the project is 104 502,75 euros. The amount of the support of the Estonia-Russia Cross Border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020 is 94 052,47 euros.  

Estonia-Russia Cross Border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020 aims to foster cross-border cooperation across the borders between the Republic of Estonia and the Russian Federation to promote socio-economic development in the regions on both sides of the common borders. The Programme website is  

This press release was produced with the financial support of Estonia-Russia Cross Border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020. The contents of this press release is the sole responsibility of Peipsi Center for Transboundary Cooperation and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the Programme, Programme participating countries, alongside with the European Union

Estonia-Russia Cross Border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020 aims to foster crossborder cooperation across the borders between the Republic of Estonia and the Russian Federation to promote socio-economic development in the regions on both sides of the common borders. The Programme website is

More information:

Margit Säre, Peipsi Center for Transboundary Cooperation, tel 3725088409