Project name: “Lines of Exclusion as Arenas of Co-operation: Reconfiguring the External Boundaries of Europe – Policies, Practices, Perceptions
Project was supported by the European Commission under the Fifth Framework Programme
The aim of the project is to examine capacities for cross-border co-operation and governance in CEE in anticipation of EU expansion. Cross-border region- building in Europe has developed in response to political and socio-economic challenges of integration as well as to opportunity structures provided by the EU. Still, its overall political (and problem- solving) significance in the context of enlargement is as yet unclear. The project seeks to contribute practical and scientific knowledge to this important policy area through 1) conceptualizing cross-border region-building as a product of social and spatial practices involving formal institutionalizations (explicit political constraints and opportunity structures) and informal integration (social interaction, participation of civil society), and 2) informing wider scientific and policy debate by providing empirical data.
Project Coordination:
Dr. James W. Scott
Free University of Berlin
Address: Malteserstr. 74-100, Haus K
12249 Berlin, Germany
Tel: (49-30) 83870201
Fax: (49-30) 76706435
E-mail: Jscott[at]
Margit Säre
Project Manager
Peipsi Center for Transboundary Cooperation
Tel: 372 7 302 302
Reports and Publications
EXLINEA FINAL REPORT 2006 edited by James Scott and Silke Matzeit, Feb 2006 (909kB)
EXLINEA EXECUTIVE SUMMARY edited by James Scott and Silke Matzeit, Feb 2006 (207kB)
POLICY PAPER - Policy Considerations of Project Results: "Good
Practises" and Situational Ethics of Cross-Border Cooperation by Henk van Houtum and James Scott, Dec 2005 ( 909kB)
State of the Art Report: "Boundaries and the Europeanisation of Space:
The EU, Integration and Evolving Theoretical Perspectives on Borders" by Henk van Houtum and James Scott, Dec 2005 (337kB)
EXLINEA final Policy Suggestions by James Scott, Dec 2005 (109kB)
Project Interim Report complied by James Scott and Silke Matzeit, Jan 2003 - June 2004 (394kB)