CuNaHe kick-off meeting in Tartu 2019

Kick-off meeting of the project

CuNaHe: Improved network of formal and informal education institutes to support Cultural and Natural Heritage of the Lake Peipsi/Chudskoe-Pskovskoe region 

April 15, Tartu
Location: University of Tartu Centre for Educational innovation, Uppsala 10

 11.40-12.00 Arrival, light lunch, coffee

 12.00-12.10 Welcome by University of Tartu Centre for Educational innovation

12.10-12.20 Introduction of the project – Margit Säre, project manager, Peipsi Center for Transboundary Cooperation

12.20-12.30 Short introduction by all partners and associated partners

12.30-13.10 Estonia-Russia Programme general rules, guidelines, reporting etc.- Polina Zaytseva, Programme consultant
Questions by partners

 13.10-13.50 Project timeline, responsibilities. Activities by WPs- Leaders of WPs

 13.50-14.10 Coffee break

 14.10-16.30 Activities of 1st semester

Räpina/Pechory partners present their plan on methodology WP.

Discussion on 1sst year summer school and teachers field trip

 16.30-16.45 Conclusion