Project name
"Promoting development of environmental NGOs and their environmental education activities in Javakheti region"
Financial support: Project duration: August 2014 – August 2015
Project coordinator: Margit Säre, margit
Project partner: Healthy Society of Javakheti
Project aim:
The aim of the project is to promote biodiversity, development of non-formal environmental education (incl. methods for outdoor nature learning) in Georgian schools in Javakheti region.
1) study trip/ meetings in Estonia; September 2014
Press release
2)Teachers training: how to teach environmental sustainability outdoors
3)development of methodological modules foroutdoor study program,
4) Study programs, Celebration of World Water and Earth Days in schools
5) regional environmental education forum in Javakhethi
6)Project partner - Healthy Society of Javakheti - web page development -
Photos; study visit to Estonia 18-22 September 2014