Projekti nimi:
Heritage Hunters - Peipsiland Heritage Trail joint marketing
Heritage Hunters - Peipsiland Heritage Trail joint marketing
Estonian EU external border
Heritage Hunters - Peipsiland Heritage Trail joint marketing
is implemented under the European Neighbourhood Instrument and co-financed by the European Union.
Project budget is
49 645,34
and programme
44 680,80 euros.
17. April - 16. October 2023
Project manager:
Ederi Ojasoo,
Peipsi Koostöö Keskus
The project Heritage Hunters we will focus to promote and use the achievements ER 164 PeipsiRing project. The aim is to bring PeipsiRing project results to more practical level, enhancing the Peipsiland culture and heritage tourism via Peipsiland Heritage Trail. The main final beneficiaries are local and regional organizations of lake Peipsi area: for example museums, heritage centers, regional tourism companies and organizations. Project communication activities are targeted to the wider public.
The project improves the cooperation of local communities in heritage protection and promotion. It ensures the marketing and promotion and readiness of local organizations and communities of the Estonian municipalities to actively cooperate in the field of preservation and promotion of the cultural and historical heritage of the region.
The partnership consists of 2 regional NGOs: Peipsimaa Tourism and Peipsi Center for Transboundary Cooperation. Both organizations have experience in tourism and heritage marketing, promotion and regional cooperation.
Our new project helps us to develop and promote Peipsiland Heritage Trail and its cooperation network via joint marketing and activities where former outcomes from ER 164 PeipsiRing are used. Project trains network stakeholders about joint marketing and regional dialects.
We will also create more Peipsiland Heritage Trail products like the Heritage Hunters game, and heritage teaching material (gamecards about Peipsiland heritage-specific objects/details that are suitable for a memory game or collecting pairs), which combines already previously developed materials. These are increasing information dissemination, active learning and making contributions to the preservation of heritage.
Heritage Hunters project results:
● Improved cooperation in the joint marketing field of the museums and heritage centers in the lake Peipsi region.
● Network of the key persons who are interested in and take enthusiastically the lake Peipsi Heritage Trail.
● During the project more concrete joint marketing ideas have been generated and two of them are formed in more detail and piloted within the project.
● New tools for preserving and promoting local linguistic and cultural heritage are worked out (Heritage Hunters game and card game about lake Peipsi Land).
● More promo and focus on the lake Peipsi Heritage Trail in media via marketing activities.
- 24.04.2023 kick-off meeting was organized in Liivi Museum.
- 04.05.2023 press release-
29.06.2023 Press release -
The launched Peipsimaa campaign invites you to adventure on the heritage trail and combines cultural and natural heritage -
Press release -
The Peipsimaa memory card game introducing Lake Peipsi area heritage is ready -
Press release -
A discovery trail for heritage hunters introducing the heritage of lake Peipsi area has been completed
Heritage Hunters projekti audiolood:
1. Legend Iisaku põliselanikest
2. Küsimus poluvernikute riietusest.
3. Legend Tudulinnas
4. Kalastusgooaja avamise komme
5. Legend Avinurme nimest
6. Legend Prohveti männist
7. Linnutajamäe tekkimise legend
8. Mis on Ivan tšai?
9. Kaldapääsukese rahvapärased nimed
10. Tõekspidamine Peipsi kaurite õnnest.
11. Kalevipoja ja siili lugu
12. Lugu Peipsi järve tekkimisest
13. Rahvapärimus näkist
14. Legend Raadi järve varandusest
15. Legend tammepuust laevavrakist
16. Piirituse tootmise lugu
17. Raha hoiustamine vanal ajal
18. Seto sõle tähendus
19. Lugu Pekole ohveramisest
20. Lugu Mutsoja liivikute tekkest
1. Legend Iisaku põliselanikest
2. Küsimus poluvernikute riietusest.
3. Legend Tudulinnas
4. Kalastusgooaja avamise komme
5. Legend Avinurme nimest
6. Legend Prohveti männist
7. Linnutajamäe tekkimise legend
8. Mis on Ivan tšai?
9. Kaldapääsukese rahvapärased nimed
10. Tõekspidamine Peipsi kaurite õnnest.
11. Kalevipoja ja siili lugu
12. Lugu Peipsi järve tekkimisest
13. Rahvapärimus näkist
14. Legend Raadi järve varandusest
15. Legend tammepuust laevavrakist
16. Piirituse tootmise lugu
17. Raha hoiustamine vanal ajal
18. Seto sõle tähendus
19. Lugu Pekole ohveramisest
20. Lugu Mutsoja liivikute tekkest
This homepage has been produced with the
financial assistance of the European Union. The content of this publication is the sole responsibility
of Peipsi Center for Transboundary Cooperation and can under no circumstances
be regarded as reflecting the position of the
Programme or the European Union
DG REGIO website