Project name:
„GreenEduLARP - Green Actions in School using Educational Live-Action Role-Playing (EduLARP)”

GreenEduLarp, co-founded by the European Union, Erasmus+ Cooperation partnerships in school education
Project nr 2021-1-EE01-KA220-SCH-000032573

February  2022 - August 2024

Project web page:
For more information check out the project on this page:

Project manage :
Ederi Ojasoo,


NGO Peipsi Center for Transboundary Cooperation - ESTONIA
MTÜ Mõõgavennad - ESTONIA
AeliaPath - CREECE
Stimmuli For Cocial Change - CREECE
LajvVerkstaden Sverige ekonomisk förening - SWEDEN
Szkola Podstawowa im. Marii Wojcik w Krepcu - POLAND

Associated organisations: 

Tarvastu Avatud Noortekekus (Tarvastu Open Youth Center),
Estonia Tarvastu Gümnaasium (Tarvastu Gymnasium),
Estonia Tartu Ülikooli Haridusuuenduskeskus (Center of Educational Innovation of The University of Tartu),
Estonia Värska Gümnaasium (Värska Gymnasium),
Sweden Magelungen school, Västerås,
Sweden Robinsson school Enköping,
Sweden Aristotelio Kollegio Thessalonikis, Greece Fryganiotis School (Secondary school),
Thessaloniki, Greece 14th High School of Thessaloniki,
Greece Ekpaideftiria Vasileiadi, Primary and Secondary School, Thessaloniki,
Greece Intercultural Junior High School of Thessaloniki, Greece

Aim of the project
Project GreenEduLARP aims at using the tool of EduLARP for Climate Change Education (CCE). This way students but also teachers – as involved participants- will be connecting the topics related to Climate Change learned in the classroom with real-life situations, therefore more easily relating them to their own life, making connections also on how green their life and attitude is.
The aims of the project are:
  • to empower teachers with new competencies in environmental education using LARP,
  • to enhance students with confidence and agency skills through the LARPing methodology and teamwork while also learning about climate change and building concepts around it,
  • to create accessible online material for further use and capitalization,
  •  to build a transnational strategy on how to adapt EduLARP methodology in school curricula.
The project involves teachers and students in the use of educational role-playing methods by creating stories related to green thinking and activities. The audiovisual opportunities will disseminate the results of the project in Europe and encourage the use of the role-play method to complement an experiential and varied learning process.

Planned activities

To achieve these objectives, the project will bring together stakeholders and target groups (teachers, students, LARPers policymakers, education designers, environmental activists) and engage them in co-design, co-creation, testing, piloting, validation, sharing, and promotion activities. 

  • Teachers and students will be involved in building stories related to green actions adapted to the ΕduLARP game methodology trying to shift towards greener attitudes while developing soft skills.
  • Through the AV Hub tutorials will be widely disseminated on the EU level while the designed Strategy will advocate for more experiential learning through EduLARP for a more effective Education System. connecting to other schools and projects via the Connecting platform.
  • Teacher training offline and online activities, video tutorials, and animations will complement these activities to demonstrate the educational potential and impact of GEL on teachers, students, and community and contribute to the development of future-oriented curricula that will empower young learners to become agents of change in the environmental transformation, better citizens and great team workers.

The Green Edu Larp expected project results are:

  • GEL Curriculum is the learning and teaching material aiming to support teachers and students to develop the necessary soft skills such as agency, creative thinking, environmental literacy and problem solving that will transform them into green changemakers with greener attitudes. Through targeted EduLARP activities this result aspires to empower teachers with new competences for CCE and serve as a good practice for designing and delivering green EduLARPs.
  •  GEL Teachers´ Toolkit aiming to support teachers on the smooth and effective implementation of the project´s curriculum, on how to introduce EduLARP methodology in class for climate change actions.
  • GEL AV Hub where videos, animated presentations, interviews and tutorials will be produced in cooperation with technicians with practical and useful tips for future applications, ready to use activities and digital resources.
  • Strategy on LARPing Adaptation to National School Curricula, the first ever and unique document with transnational power, to highlight the importance of the interdisciplinary approach of EduLARP and open the discussion on future curricula with concrete recommendations for policies and practices.


  • In Autumn 2022 the lesson plan template was created and partners started to create lesson plan content.
  • Green Edu Larp Curriculum is almost ready. Find it here. 
  • GreenEdLarp materials will include theoretical materials and practical toolkits for the teachers to implement edu-larps. Teachers. A practical material example of the first module, what is edularp is here. 
  • GreenEDULARP : 3rdnd Project Meeting, 10.01.2023 online meeting! Agenda. 

  • GreenEDULARP : 4th Project Meeting, online meeting. Agenda.

  • GreenEdu Larp project's learning training activity was successfully organised on 27th to 29th of April in 2023. The event took place in Szkoła Podstawowa Krępiec near Lublin, Poland. Agenda.

  • GreenEDULARP : 5rd Project Meeting, 17.10.2023 online meeting! Agenda.



Green Edularp audiovisual HUB-
GEL project introducion

What is edularp?

GEL testing feedback from Värska gymnasium

The European Commission’s support for the production of this website does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

The Erasmus+ programme of the European Union enables adult educators to develop innovative material together, share their didactical competencies, make learning experiences abroad and create European networks. For more info see the website of the National Agency in your country,

GreenEduLarp, co-founded by the European Union, Erasmus+ Cooperation partnerships in school education

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the GreenEduLarp partnrers only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.