A Tree of Life

07. January 2023

The environmental educational role-playing game (EduLarp) "The Tree of Life" is completed. The game introduces the principle of ecological balance and the impact of overconsumption on the environment.

Players take on the role of characters who live in the fictional Tree of Life ecosystem and are a vital part of it. The characters belong to 5 different groups, 2-6 players in each group. Each group has its own place of residence (ecological niche) and role in the overall ecosystem of the tree.

The central issue of the game is the change in the living environment and the balance of the ecosystem - the conditions for the tree and its inhabitants have worsened drastically, and the players must understand how their actions have affected it and how to restore the well-being of the tree and all of its inhabitants.

The game homepage is HERE.

Larp For Climate - adaptation of edu-larp methodology to learning agenda for climate literacy /
Erasmus+ Program, Key Action 2, 2021-1-PL01-KA220-YOU-000029241

“Larp For Climate Project, co-founded by the European Union, Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnership in Youth.”